Happy New Year from Relton Associates

New Year Resolutions…not on your nelly!

New Year, New Resolutions…not on your nelly!

2015 was a fantastic year and 2016 is going to be even better. It’s only January 8th and so far a lot has already happened…

Royal Mail have purchased NetDespatch, a very shrewd move indeed and giving them instant competitive advantage. More importantly giving our clients another edge.

Also, a nice surprise from UKFast, the leading hosting company gave us a nice surprise for our client for 2016…credit for not using all our pre-arranged package. There’s a nice warm fuzzy feeling that comes from working with ethical and morally grounded companies like UKFast.

We at Relton Associates are building on the success of 2015 and continuing to do what we do best. Just a few BIG achievements for 2015 were:

  • Increasing one of our client’s Amazon store sales from £0 to £1/2 million with strong margins. We’re also leading against our competitors Customer Service (feedback) and delivery metrics. We know this because we were invited to join Amazon’s new 24 hour delivery promise in BETA where competitors weren’t.  Automation with a little bit of heart and soul was key to our success. Next stop for January 2016…going International!
  • A new client, NATO came on to our radar who we served with Social Media strategy and analysis. Monitoring brand reputation and advising on actions to take. We’re looking forward to working more closely in 2016
  • We also provided key note speakers to various events including IBM and online brand reputation management and even got involved delivering lectures to Universities across London

In the first quarter of 2016 we will be delivering new website builds, digital marketing plans, new service developments and working with some new clients, namely the US Marine Corps.

Roll on 2016, roll on more success…watch this space.